So here is my delema. A buddy of mine has challenged me to a race at the track. He has a pretty much stock 2.5 2001 Suburu impreza. He probably straight piped it and thats about it. I have a 1990 integra with a stock B20 non v-tec. I have also straight piped it with an air intake but that is it. From what I see, it will be a pretty close race. I found stock numbers on his car to run a 15.9 1/4. mile. I dont know if I can hit that, but I have never ever raced my car at the track before.
Who do you think will win and if its not me, what can I do to get the most improvement without major changes i.e. v-tec head, cams etc.
B20 is a good motor for your car, I would go with a good set of cams, gears, intake manifold, and an good chip for your ECU. You could probably get all that done for about $600 or so. As for the race let us know how it goes, sounds like a "driver's race"...